We have had some very cold and snowy days recently. On 6th of January our lowest temperature was -16 F (- 26 C ). It was so cold that everything just shut down, children got to stay home from school, commuter trains were totally out of schedule due to signal malfunctions, 2/3 of airplanes out of Chicago airport were cancelled , people went crazy and bought out everything at the grocery store before the storm hit. No milk, no eggs, no bread or produce. All were sold out..... Me? I could not wait to get to the river to find what I could photograph. Only problem was that I didn't have a car that I felt comfortable driving in the snow and ice, so I had to wait a few days until the streets were cleared. When I was finally able to leave my house I was rewarded with fantastic sights. Most of the rivers in the area were completely frozen over but some like here under the dam, water still ran freely. At the Fox River a record number of Bald Eagles were spotted. The number of Bald Eagles in Illinois is second to Alaska to the photographers delight. Even with very limited camera equipment I was able to get some decent shots myself.
Linking with : Weekly top shot